Science Week 2023 inspires all ages in the classroom

At All Saints, students of all ages participated in some very special cross-cohort collabs.

National Science Week is always a very special time at All Saints where students are inspired to dig deeper into various inquiries.

This year the theme of Innovation: Powering Future Industries saw many of our youngest scientists pairing up with students from Middle and Senior Schools to investigate and experiment together.

Pre Prep joined Year 7 classes to experiment with colour, using different chemicals and solutions to achieve specific reactions such as turning colourful liquids clear and vice versa.

During one of her classes, Mrs Kindt also demonstrated the science behind fireworks and how flames can change colour when exposed to different chemicals.

Year 2 trekked across campus to visit the Burling Centre for Scientific Inquiry (CSI) which is where our senior school students learn science. 

Our Year 11 Science Ambassadors organised and ran a variety of investigations in the lab to spark the curiosity of these young visitors.

For example, the students looked at how exothermic reactions can warp objects like plastic bottles and how the flow of air can be directed and enhanced using common household items.

Both our oldest and littlest learners alike benefited immensely from the activities that took place this Science Week. 

Thank you to our dedicated Science teachers who always go above and beyond to provide unique learning opportunities at All Saints.

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