All Saints Launches Reconciliation Action Plan

At All Saints, reconciliation begins in the classroom.

First Nations topics including The Dreaming, the stolen generation, Mabo, connection to Country and more have long inspired conversations among our students – planting a crucial seed of curiosity which, through continued learning, blossoms into understanding.

In 2023, this commitment to First Nations education has been formalised through the launch of our All Saints Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).

At the start of Term 1 an audience of staff, students and local First Nations attended the RAP launch and unveiling of our official reconciliation artwork by traditional artist Goompi Ugerabah, a piece which now hangs in the Yvonne Bain Library and Resource Centre.

Indigenous Engagement Coordinator Mark Stevens says the RAP launch represents a significant moment in All Saints’ history.

“RAPs are designed to engage an organization in reaching forms of reconciliation – All Saints has undertaken this process sincerely and authentically,” says Mr Stevens.

“Seeking the advice of community leaders has been very important here and our local First Nations representatives have been very supportive of what we’re doing because we are building relationships, following protocol, listening to their voices and going about things in a respectful manner.”

““My hope is that our Reconciliation Action Plan will lead to every young man and woman graduating from All Saints with a knowledge and understanding of and an empathy for the First Peoples who walked our country and an appreciation of the life-enhancing values they represent."”
— Headmaster Patrick Wallas at the RAP Launch

The All Saints RAP is an ongoing commitment towards reaching several goals within the classroom, around the School and within the community under the broader banners of ‘respect’, ‘relationships’ and ‘opportunities’.

It includes pledges to build our cultural competence and historical knowledge by engaging in respectful relationships with Traditional Custodians, exploring methods of reconciliation, acknowledging days of national significance, learning about connection to Country and learning about Indigenous perspectives, history and culture in the classroom.

“We’ve recently established working relationships with local Indigenous consultants, as well as other community representatives,” explains Mr Stevens.

“This engagement is critical because many of the questions that I receive from staff are best directed to cultural representatives. With staff engaging in such relationships, they then become better equipped to go about the business of teaching Indigenous perspectives in the classroom. Our aim is for such cultural engagement to be transformative rather than transactional.”

Mr Stevens encourages staff, students and parents to become familiar with the All Saints RAP and visit the First Nations Australians page on the School’s website to learn more about our commitment to reconciliation.

He also welcomes communication from any members of the All Saints community who may wish to support the RAP objectives.