Drama and communication

Drama is an artistic process that enhances and changes how one thinks and acts in relation to oneself and the world around us. It is at the heart of our education in the Arts, both in the classroom and on a co-curricular level.

In the classroom

Drama is taught in the classroom from Pre Prep to Year 8 as part of the common curriculum for all students, and in Years 9 to 12 as an elective. It is a unique art form that represents and reenacts experiences, ideas, stories and emotions. Drama is one of the oldest forms of artistic expression and continues to be significant in all cultures and societies.

Private tuition

Tuition in co-curricular Drama and Communication incorporates the following subject areas: 

  • Effective Speech
  • Public Speaking
  • Verse Speaking
  • Mime
  • Improvisation
  • Acting

Students have the opportunity to participate in the local Gold Coast Drama Festival and to undergo public examinations by the Trinity College of London and Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB). Eisteddfod work will also be offered to interested students in Years 5 to 12. 

Professional productions

Each stage production, musical, performance or play that takes place at All Saints is backed by an industry-leading facility and crew at the Nairn Theatre. Each production is directed, produced and managed by a seasoned team of veterans alongside our very own student trainees. The performances incorporate the best of All Saints' creative talent, from set design and costuming to expert direction, choreography, musical leadership and professional-grade technical management. They truly exemplify the best of youth-led Australian performing arts.

Below is a gallery of highlights from some of the recent productions at All Saints including Crazy for You, Shrek Jr and Bigtime.