
While most schools rightfully recognise the merit of chess as a tool for improving various cognitive abilities, we take this idea a step further.

Programs at All Saints

All students in Years 1, 2 and 3 have weekly Chess lessons. Students are able to participate in the Chess Club which provides on-going lessons and games. Chess Club continues in Middle and Senior School with students also participating in the Gold Coast Inter-Schools' Chess Competition and the Association of Private Schools Chess Competition.

The value

Chess is an exercise of infinite possibilities for the mind, one which develops mental abilities used throughout life including concentration, critical thinking, abstract reasoning, problem solving, pattern recognition, strategic planning, creativity, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Chess can be used very effectively to teach problem solving and abstract reasoning. Through chess, students learn how to analyse a situation by focusing on important factors and by eliminating distractions. They learn to devise creative solutions and put a plan into action.